8 Innovative Ways to Use Obsidian

These are some different ways users are using Obsidian.

1. Reflecting & Journaling I used daily notes to write down my thoughts and ideas in lockdown. I have moved to a weekly review now I am back at work. Excellent starting point here https://astobbe.me/posts/building-a-journaling-habit-with-obsidian/

2. Setting goals All my Obsidian workflow designs aim to meet a goal. So being able to track the goals is an excellent use of Obsidian. Some valuable suggestions here https://marcus.se.net/how-i-set-and-track-goals-in-obsidian/

3. Managing CRM I am currently using Notion as a Personal CRM. Often to remind me to reach out to people. Obsidian users are planning to do the same. https://forum.obsidian.md/t/crm-system-in-markdown-in-obsidian/15691/2

4. Managing projects I currently use OneNote to manage projects as it is the corporate standard. But the ideas here are great if you are a project manager. https://forum.obsidian.md/t/using-obsidian-at-work-project-manager-project-lead/33137

5. Designing workflows @excalidraw is the plugin I use the most when designing and documenting my workflow. Great video on how to start. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-hIfY-Ecjg&list=PL6mqgtMZ4NP3MQGVzQaemEx7YTgmJ9lNv

6. Content Creation Whatever your reason for taking notes being able to create content is a great way to show your understanding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMNBTcME4ug

7. Writing Fiction I have spoken to amateur authors using it to create their first novels. Building a chapter and linking scenes and characters with an overall plot note is an excellent use of Obsidian. @EleanorKonik  discusses how she does it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfyA1UTo1sI

8. Academia I use Obsidian to study for exams, but academia is on another level. This thread contains an excellent workflow by @Artifexx

9. Religious studies There are Obsidian users who use Obsidian for bible studies. https://publish.obsidian.md/hub/04+-+Guides%2C+Workflows%2C+%26+Courses/for+Religious+Uses

These are just a few of the many use cases for Obsidian. It is a potent and versatile tool that users can use in many different ways. Let me know if you use it for anything else.