6 ways to get help and learn about Obsidian

Obsidian is a box with something valuable inside but it opens differently for different people. So here are some of the most valuable resources online to help you crack it!

1. Obsidian Online forum - This has been my go-to for solving issues. There is usually someone who had the issue before and someone from the community who has provided an answer. https://forum.obsidian.md

2. Obsidian Discord - If you are a fan of Discord, there is a Discord chat https://obsidian.md/community

3. Obsidian Reddit - Reddit users can use the active Reddit forum https://www.reddit.com/r/ObsidianMD

4. Obsidian Round-up - This Is a weekly round-up of all things new on Obsidian, kindly managed by @elanorkonik; it also has a great list of resources on where to start. https://www.obsidianroundup.org/

5. YouTuber Community - Many YouTubers are sharing their workflow and discussing new Obsidian developments

- @DannyHatcher  -  https://www.youtube.com/@DannyHatcher

- @n_vanderhoeven  - https://www.youtube.com/@nicolevdh

- @_ThinkEffective   https://www.youtube.com/@EffectiveCo

- @tallguyjenks   - https://www.youtube.com/@BryanJenksTech

- @curtismchale -  https://www.youtube.com/@curtisgmchale

6. Courses - Some creators have created courses to help you from beginner to becoming expert.

- @KeepProductive - https://www.keepproductive.com/obsidian-made-simple

- @thesweetsetup -  https://thesweetsetup.com/obsidian/

- @SantiYounger - https://courses.santiyounger.com/p/obsidian

- @curtismchale - https://curtismchale.ca/education/