4 mistakes I made with Obsidian to help beginners get started
1 min read

4 mistakes I made with Obsidian to help beginners get started

1) I dived straight into  @obsdmd  and got lost when I started. Using shared vaults helped me get on track. Action: Review example  https://publish.obsidian.md/justin/Home

2) Spending time tweaking  @obsdmd  rather than learning how to use notes. Once I learnt how to take notes, I knew how to tweak the app. Action: Read https://aliabdaal.com/book-notes/how-to-take-smart-notes/

3) Not creating a note template I did not follow a set template when taking notes. Over time, each of my notes was structured differently and challenging to review Action: Read https://rossgriffin.com/obsidian/obsidian-templates/

4) Not using tags and not linking my notes. Forgetting to use tags to describe my notes meant finding notes with common themes was harder. Not linking my notes meant I lost the way my thoughts flowed when I returned to the note. Action: Read https://forum.obsidian.md/t/a-guide-on-links-vs-tags-in-obsidian/28231